Press Release: Georgetown fire department once again asks our community to be prepared for upcoming storms and an update regarding volcanoville road
January 3rd, 2023
Georgetown Fire and our partner agencies in El Dorado County are preparing for a very large storm system with potential devastating winds/rains and snow.
Several additional Engine Companies have been prepositioned throughout the county, including in 1 in Georgetown, 1 in Garden Valley and 1 in Mosquito.
- Snow levels tonight are expected to drop to 5000 feet or lower
- Snow levels tomorrow will increase to 6500 feet
- Rainfall in the mountains could exceed 7”
- Wind gusts are expected to be at 50 mph or greater
Sandbags are available at the Greenwood DOT Station off Ricci Rd.
Please reduce travel to only times of necessity.
We have been informed by Veerkamp that while there is still work to be done, the bridge is now open for all vehicles.